About Me

Welcome to SurvivalNeede.Com! I’m Rick, the creator and driving force behind this platform dedicated to helping you prepare for the unexpected. With a lifelong passion for prepping, I’m on a mission to empower individuals who understand the importance of being prepared but may not know where to begin.

My journey into the world of preparedness started early in life when I discovered the joys of gardening while still in high school. This humble beginning ignited a lifelong commitment to self-sufficiency, resilience, and readiness for whatever challenges life might throw our way.

Throughout my 20 year career as a software developer, I never lost touch with my prepper roots. In fact, I seamlessly integrated my tech skills with my prepping lifestyle, using technology to enhance my preparedness efforts. From cultivating my own food to developing vital homesteading skills, maintaining a four-wheel-drive vehicle, and diligently stocking essential supplies like food, water, and fuel, my journey has been one of continuous learning and adaptation.

SurvivalNeede.Com is the culmination of my personal experiences and expertise. It’s here to offer guidance, insights, and practical advice to those who share the same desire to safeguard themselves and their loved ones from life’s uncertainties. Whether you’re new to the world of prepping or looking to refine your existing preparedness strategy, this platform is your trusted resource for valuable information and step-by-step guidance.

My commitment goes beyond just imparting knowledge; I’m here to build a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Together, we can navigate the path towards self-reliance and preparedness, sharing insights, learning from one another, and, ultimately, ensuring a safer and more secure future for ourselves and our families.

Join me on this journey as we explore the exciting and practical aspects of prepping, learn essential skills, and take the necessary steps to be prepared for the unexpected. Let’s face the future with confidence and resilience. Welcome to SurvivalNeede.Com – where preparedness meets community.

Thank you for being a part of this community, and I look forward to embarking on this preparedness journey with you.


Rick Boyer

Rick Boyer Picture